
φανταστική συνέντευξη στο BBC

Πρόκειται για τη φανταστική ραδιοφωνική συνέντευξη του Mervyn King, διοικητή της τράπεζας της Αγγλίας και μέγιστη επιρροή για την αγγλική οικονομία, στην Sarah Montague, προβεβλημένη δημοσιογράφο του BBC4.
(Η έντονη γραφή δική μου)

Sarah Montague (SM): The Greek economy is on the precipice. Will a common sense coalition be formed between the mainstream parties and a return to the sanity of austerity or will Greece go completely crazy and vote for a bunch of left wing terrorists at a second election?  We have in the studio to discuss the Greek Crisis the independent governor of the Bank of England.
Lord, I mean Sir King, Sir Melvyn um Mervyn, umm its so good of you to come and speak to us again.

Mervyn King (MK): My pleasure Sarah.

SM: As you pointed out in this studio on local elections day, Labour were responsible for everything which went wrong with the economy including the international financial crash. And you also said, and everyone in the studio agreed, that all the evidence showed that we are about to emerge from recession... well not the evidence in a conventional sense but a kind of political gut instinct which goes against the evidence but cant be ignored well ... The election result in Greece was of course terrible, but what do you think is going to happen?

MK: Well I'm not an expert on Greece but I feel completely confident to talk about it.
I agree with the independent governor of the Austrian central bank who you quite rightly devoted much of your news items yesterday to quoting. Although I was available you know ... Anyhow, like he said, if Greece rejects the memorandum, Greece will be drummed out of the Eurozone and the Eurozone will collapse and Europe will be plunged into economic ruin well umm more ruin.

SM: But if Greece is thrown out to save the Eurozone why would the Eurozone collapse... Umm never mind. Ummm so a left wing terrorist government would be the worst possible outcome for Greece?

MK: Exactly.

SM: Thank you Sir Mervyn. Perhaps you could come and talk to us again on the day of the forthcoming by-election in Snagglesfourth, where I suspect voters will be relieved to hear that the economy is picking up ... not picking up in a conventional sense but in a very real sense all the same ... ummm ... Rob with the sport.

Το παραπάνω το άντλησα από ένα σχόλιο αναγνώστη του guardian σε ένα άρθρο που περιγράφει με απλά λόγια τη πορεία της ελληνικής χρεωκοπίας που καταφτάνει (75% το ποσοστό της σύμφωνα με τη citigroup για τους επόμενους 18 μήνες). Το άρθρο καλό είναι να διαβαστεί με ψυχραιμία και βρίσκεται εδώ

Περιμένοντας πλέον τα πάντα από τους πάντες, ψάρωσα είναι αλήθεια, θεωρώντας τη αυθεντική, ειδικά όταν με μια έρευνα για να βρω το σχετικό λινκ, έπεσα πάνω σε όλες τις συνεντεύξεις της εν λόγω δημοσιογράφου, απομαγνητοφωνημένες, και ειδικά σε τρεις με τον συγκεκριμένο τραπεζίτη. 

Όταν κατάλαβα ότι ήταν φάρσα, χαμογέλασα, αλλά ποιος μπορεί να μου απαγορέψει να πιστεύω ότι είναι και εν δυνάμει υπαρκτή;

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